No.It is completely free.

Yes. You can cancel the product by contacting your booked seller.

Seller must register in zupab for getting product orders. Only those who are fully registered in zupab can become a seller.

You can make payment directly to the seller. We are not providing any payment services.

No, you don’t need to register in zupab for availing services. You can simply go through our website and can select the product and customers can select the sellers and can provide their details to the seller.

No, the zupab is fully free for customers. Customers can come to our website and can easily book a product at free of cost. Customers need to sign up to give feedback on product and for posting a requirement and we can allot the product based on your needs.

Yes, you can make a booking through phone by using our website. You can also make a booking through your laptop, mac, or pc.

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